Equals Trust
Overview: Strip Out, Fit Out, Safeguarding, M&E
Location: Brookside Primary School, Nottinghamshire
Value: £600k
Zeno Construction was appointed for multiple projects across the school to improve safeguarding and the quality of the teaching environment.
Works also included converting an old caretaker's bungalow into a new teaching space with a meeting room for staff. Zeno also undertook a full upgrade of the thermal insulation within the building and complete M&E replacement.
Internally, within the school two teaching spaces were completely refurbished, including full decoration, new floor coverings and the installation of new joinery to a newly constructed outdoor play space.
Zeno installed new perimeter fencing to the whole boundary including the refurbishment of existing motorised gates to bring them up to the latest safety standard, this was undertaken in a live school environment with safe systems of work put in place to ensure student safety.